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2185 байтов добавлено, 14:22, 13 февраля 2016
Новая страница: «A [[Highwayman that cares only for himself.]] <p>Эгоцентричность один из нескол…»
[[File:Selfish.png|thumbnail|400px|right|A [[Highwayman]] that cares only for himself.]]
<p>[[Selfish|Эгоцентричность]] один из нескольких вариантов [[Afflictions|Психоза]], которые герой в [[Darkest Dungeon]] может получить по достижении 100 стресс-пунктов. </p>

== Описание ==
{{Quote|<p>Self-preservation is paramount, at any cost.[[File:Affliction_selfish.ogg|60px]]</p>}}
Эгоцентричные герои не сильно заботятся о других членах отряда.

== Последствия ==

Находящийся под влиянием психоза [[Selfish|Эгоцентричность]] герой может совершить следующие действия:
* Нанести стресс-урон отряду в начале своего хода.
* Самовольно сменить позицию на более ближнюю, оправдывая это жаждой славы.
* Move backwards during combat, commenting on his/her own safety being more important than others.
* Use a random ability (during combat) without the player's input.
* Add stress to the party when the afflicted hero lands an attack.
* Make selfish remarks whilst exploring rooms, corridors and during combat, adding stress to the party.
* Pass their turn occasionally, commenting that they have done enough, or need to rest.
* Add stress to the party when an ally's attack misses or hits its target.
* Deal stress damage to an ally that just interacted with a curio.
* Interact with any treasure type curio, stealing the loot. (Possibly scales with the [[Kleptomaniac]] Quirk, unconfirmed)

==Base Stats - Affects==
The following changes were made in the Build 8920 of the game (Early Access) - To be verified -
*DODGE "+5"
*DAMAGE "-10%"

== Resistances - Affects ==
The following changes were made in the Build 8920 of the game (Early Access) - To be verified -
*Stun "-15%"
*Blight "-15%"
*Disease "-15%"
*Move "-15%"
*Bleed "-15%"
*Debuff "-15%"
*Trap Disarm "-15%"

