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{{DISPLAYTITLE:Flesh - Плоть}}
The flesh is a [[boss]] which appears in the Плоть (Flesh) - босс, находящийся в [[Warrens|Заповеднике]], after the открывающийся вслед за [[Swine Prince|Свиным Принцем]]. Like other bossesКак и другие боссы, it has three variations Плоть имеет три варианта на трех уровнях сложности (Рудиментная, Нестабильная, Бесформенная (Inchoate, Unstable and , Formless) and features ) и состоит из 4 different parts that change each round and each have their own specific set of abilities and stats. They all share the same [[Health Bar]]разных частей, thusменяющихся каждый раунд, каждая из которых имеет свой набор умений и характеристик. Все они имеют один запас здоровья на всех, killing one part will end the fightтак что убийство одной из частей закончит бой.
==Ancestor's MemoirsВоспоминания Предка: The FleshПлоть==
{{quote|<p>My zeal for blood rituals and summoning rites had begun to ebb, as each attempt invariably brought only failure and disappointment. Progress was halting, and the rapidly accumulating surplus of wasted flesh had become burdensome.</p><p>I could not store such a prodigious amount of offal, nor could I rid myself of it easily, possessed as it was by unnameable things from outer spheres. When excavations beneath the manor broke through into an ancient network of aqueducts and tunnels, I knew I had found a solution to the problem of disposal.</p><p>The spasmodically squirming, braying, and snorting half-corpses were heaped each upon the other, until at least I was rid of them. The warrens had become a landfill of snout and hoof, gristle and bone - a mountainous, twitching mass of misshapen flesh, fusing itself together in the darkness.</p>}}
The Ancestor eventually got tired of his attempts at demonic summoningВ конце концов Предку надоели его попытки демонического призыва, with his most successful creation being the uselessly stupid and ravenous из которых самым успешным оказалось создание бесполезного, безмозглого и опасного [[Swine Prince|Свиного Принца]]. He was left with the problem of a massive amount of demonПредок остался с неразрешенной проблемой в виде огромного количества одержимой демонами свиной плоти, от которой не так-possessed pig flesh that couldn't easily be disposed ofто просто было избавиться. The Ancestor found the solution to this problem once his excavations broke into a vast, ancient system of tunnels and aqueducts. He poured the nightmare, shapeОднако он нашел решение -shifting flesh into the Warrensего раскопки обнаружили древнюю и обширную систему туннелей и акведуков. Он вылил созданный кошмар, and promptly forgot about itменяющую форму плоть в Заповедник и забыл об этом.
