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Тип Unholy
Размер Large
Вариации Ghoul Slavering
ОЗ 33 53 66
Уклонение 2.5% 12.5% 25%
Защита 30% 40% 50%
Скорость 5 6 7
Poptext stun.png Stun 37.5% 57.5% 82.5%
Poptext poison.png Blight 20% 40% 65%
Poptext bleed.png Bleed 20% 40% 65%
Poptext debuff.png Debuff 20% 40% 65%
Poptext move.png Move 62% 82% 108%

A hulking, wandering eater of dead flesh that can be found in any dungeon from L3 onwards, often accompanied by Gargoyles, Maggots, or Cultists. Ghouls have a good spread of stats, can cause stress, bleed, stun and can hit reasonably hard, making them all-rounder tanks. Their most dangerous ability is Howl, which causes stress to the entire formation, drops the light level and has a chance of causing "The Worries" disease, making them even more vulnerable to stress.


This enemy does not have an apprentice level

Veteran Level
Название умения Тип атаки С позиции Бьет на позицию Шанс попадания Шанс крита Урон Эффект Эффект на себя
Rend Melee 1, 2. 1, 2. 90% 16% 6-11 Poptext bleed.png 120% Bleed 3, Poptext debuff.png 120% Debuff: +10% Stress Dmg No effect
Skull Toss Ranged 1, 2, 3, 4. 3, 4. 90% 11% 6-11 Tray afflicted.png Stress +15, Poptext stun.png 120% Stun No effect
Howl Ranged 1, 2, 3, 4. 1+2+3+4. 92.5% 0% 0 Campfire flame invert.png -10 Torch, Tray afflicted.png Stress +10, Poptext disease.png 5% Disease(The Worries) No effect

Champion Level
Название умения Тип атаки С позиции Бьет на позицию Шанс попадания Шанс крита Урон Эффект Эффект на себя
Rend Melee 1, 2. 1, 2. 102.5% 17% 8-16 Poptext bleed.png 140% Bleed 4, Poptext debuff.png 140% Debuff: +20% Stress Dmg No effect
Skull Toss Ranged 1, 2, 3, 4. 3, 4. 102.5% 12% 8-16 Tray afflicted.png Stress +15, Poptext stun.png 140% Stun No effect
Howl Ranged 1, 2, 3, 4. 1+2+3+4. 100% 0% 0 Campfire flame invert.png -10 Torch, Tray afflicted.png Stress +10, Poptext disease.png 5% Disease(The Worries) No effect


When the game was originally released the Ghoul's Rend caused Bleed, while Slavering Ghoul and Insatiable Ghoul's caused Blight