Shuffling Horror

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Ползучий Ужас (Shuffling Horror)
Shuffling Horror.png
Тип Eldritch
Размер Gigantic
ОЗ 162
Уклонение 23.75%
Защита 33%
Скорость 2
Poptext stun.png Оглушение 147.5%
Poptext poison.png Яд 107.5%
Poptext bleed.png Кровотечение 67.5%
Poptext debuff.png Ослабление 87.5%
Poptext move.png Перемещение 98%

Ползучий Ужас (Shuffling Horror) - существо, возможно являющееся дальним родственником Тьманника, но еще более испорченное Древним Богом - первый из четырех боссов Темнейшего Подземелья. Он может ходить два раза за раунд и имеет 3 различных типа атак.


Darkest Level
Ability Name Attack Type Rank Requirement Targetable Rank Accuracy Crit Chance Damage Effect Self
Lacerate Melee 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 (Two Heroes)  ?%  ?% 5-13 Poptext bleed.png Bleed No Effect
 ??? Melee 1,2,3,4 1+2+3+4  ?%  ?% Small Tray afflicted.png Stress +15-30 No Effect
Undulation Melee 1,2,3,4 1+2+3+4  ?%  ?% Small Poptext move.png Shuffle No Effect
Echoing Disassembly Melee 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4  ?%  ?% Small Tray afflicted.png Stress +5-10 Summons*

*Cultist Priest or Defensive Growth


Shuffling Horror spawns with a Cultist Priest. If he is killed, the Horror will just summon another enemy, making it pointless. The better way to deal with him is to stun an extra enemy every other turn. The Horror himself doesn't have any particular gimmicks to counter, it all depends on the condition of the party after making it all the way through the Dungeon. He has two actions per turn, does massive stress damage and inflicts bleed. Like with most two-action enemies, debuffs and stuns will not be very effective. Bleeds, on the other hand, proc twice per turn making it excellent choice. Blights are slightly less effective because of higher resistance. Despite not being very effective, it still might be a good idea to decrease Horror's PROT with a mark, as he is fairly slow and the party has a decent chance to capitalize on the mark before it runs out. The Shuffling Horror, living up to its name, will shuffle the party around a number of times. It is recommended to bring Heroes who can attack from multiple positions (Bounty Hunter, Hellion, Grave Robber). Heroes like the Leper and Arbalest would be ineffective. Relying on Man-at-Arms' Riposte is another viable strategy, as most of Horror's attacks target the whole party.