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2059 байтов добавлено, 15:57, 15 февраля 2016
Новая страница: «A [[Jester who has no qualms about verbally abusing his party members]] <p>Агрессия один и…»
[[File:Abusive.png|thumbnail|400px|topright|A [[Jester]] who has no qualms about verbally abusing his party members]]
<p>[[Abusive|Агрессия]] один из видов [[Afflictions|психозов]], которые может получить герой, путешествуя по подземельям [[Darkest Dungeon]]. </p>

== Описание ==
{{quote|<p> Frustration, and fury! ...More destructive than a hundred cannons.[[File:Affliction_abusive.ogg|60px]]</p>}}
Герой с психозом [[Abusive|Агрессия]] начинает относиться к союзникам крайне грубо и насмешливо, жестоко виня их за малейшую ошибку и оскорбляя на каждом шагу.

== Последствия ==
Следующие действия герой может совершить под виянием [[Abusive|Агрессии]]:
* Нанести отряду стресс-урон в начале своего хода.
* Сменить свою позицию в бою без участия игрока.
* Не разрешать союзнику поменяться с героем позициями. <sup>1</sup>
* Deal stress damage to an ally that just got hit by an attack.
* Deal stress damage to an ally that just landed an attack.
* Deal stress damage to an ally that just missed an attack.
* Give a random comment when walking, dealing stress damage to an ally. The comment depends of the affliction.
<sub><sup>1</sup> This action can occur ''' inside and outside of combat'''.</sub>

==Base Stats - Affects==
The following changes were made in the Build 7794 of the game (Early Access) - To be verified -
*DODGE "-15"
*DAMAGE "+20%"

==Resistances - Affects==
The following changes were made in the Build 7794 of the game (Early Access) - To be verified -
*Stun "-15%"
*Blight "-15%"
*Disease "-15%"
*Move "-15%"
*Bleed "-15%"
*Debuff "-15%"
*Trap Disarm "-15%"

