
Unclean Giant

5529 байтов добавлено, 00:55, 11 февраля 2016
Added Debuff for Confusion Spores
<div id="infobox" style="float:right; padding: 10px;">
| name = Unclean Giant
| image = [[File:Unclean_Giant.png|250px]]
| enemyclass = [[Enemy_Type|Human]]/[[Enemy_Type|Beast]]
| size = [[Size|Large]]
| varA = Unclean<br />Giant
| varB = Blighted<br />Giant
| varC = Corrupted<br />Giant
| hpA = 62
| hpB = 102
| hpC = 144
| dodgeA = 0%
| dodgeB = 9%
| dodgeC = 23%
| protectionA = 0%
| protectionB = 0%
| protectionC = 0%
| speedA = 0
| speedB = 1
| speedC = 2
| stunA = 50%
| stunB = 70%
| stunC = 95%
| blightA = 60%
| blightB = 80%
| blightC = 105%
| bleedA = 20%
| bleedB = 40%
| bleedC = 65%
| debuffA = 40%
| debuffB = 60%
| debuffC = 85%
| movA = 75%
| movB = 95%
| movC = 120%

The Unclean Giant is a [[Enemy_Type|Human]]/[[Enemy_Type|Beast]] type that appears in the [[Weald]].

Infested by the terrible fungus that has run amok in the Weald, Giants have no [[Protection Points|PROT]], unlike other [[Size|Large]] enemies. They instead rely upon their heavy resistances and massive HP pool to weather the [[Heroes]]' attacks. Their Treebranch Smackdown inflicts massive damage and [[knockback]] to a single target. Confusion Spores [[Move|shuffles]] the entire party. Poison Spores [[Blight|blights]] a single target.

Giants should be prioritized after the lighter enemies have been dealt with, most notably [[Crone]]s, as she increases the hit chance of the Giant's fairly inaccurate attacks of connecting by [[Debuff|debuffing]] the party. Keeping him [[stunned]] while you deal with the other monsters is a good idea. The [[Occultist]]'s Weakening Curse and the [[Man-at-Arms]]' Bolster are very helpful here, with the former reducing the damage of the giant's attack and the latter reducing the chances of getting hit.

== Abilities ==
This enemy does not have an apprentice level
|attack1name=Treebranch Smackdown
|attack1req=1, 2, 3, 4.
|attack1tar=1, 2.
|attack1effect=[[File:Poptext_move.png|20px]] 120% [[Move|Knockback]] 1

|attack2name=Confusion Spores
|attack2req=1, 2, 3, 4.
|attack2effect=[[File:Poptext_move.png|20px]] 120% [[Move|Shuffle]], [[File:Poptext_debuff.png|20px]] 140% Debuff: -7 ACC

|attack3name=Poison Spores
|attack3req=1, 2, 3, 4.
|attack3tar=1, 2, 3, 4.
|attack3effect=[[File:Poptext_poison.png|20px]] 120% [[Blight]] 3 DMG

|attack1name=Treebranch Smackdown
|attack1req=1, 2, 3, 4.
|attack1tar=1, 2.
|attack1effect=[[File:Poptext_move.png|20px]] 140% [[Move|Knockback]] 1

|attack2name=Confusion Spores
|attack2req=1, 2, 3, 4.
|attack2effect=[[File:Poptext_move.png|20px]] 140% [[Move|Shuffle]], [[File:Poptext_debuff.png|20px]] 140% Debuff: -10 ACC

|attack3name=Poison Spores
|attack3req=1, 2, 3, 4.
|attack3tar=1, 2, 3, 4.
|attack3effect=[[File:Poptext_poison.png|20px]] 140% [[Blight]] 4 DMG

== Behaviour ==
COOLDOWNS: Both of his spore attacks have a 2 turn Cooldown inbetween each use.

On Veteran Level dungeons, the giants will have a probability of 3x of using his "Confusion Spores" compared to the other two skills with a 2x chance each. On any other turn, should the skill not be in cooldown he will ALWAYS use "Confusion Spores". This however changes on Champion dungeons, where the giants will have a greater chance to open with "Confusion Spores" (4x) but on subsequent turns they will RARELY use that skill (1x chance) while preferring to use his "Poison Spores", or the dreaded "Treebranch Smackdown" (here referred for short as TS).

Finally, for both dungeon levels, if the target has very low health, the giant's "Poison Spores" is twice more likely to be used, in order to possibly ensure killing an ally who is on Death's Door through Blight damage.

== Strategy ==
Although usually a wise idea to take care of the Crone first in order to avoid piling stress damage, if left unchecked the Giant will wreak havoc among your party members by shuffling them and, in even greater measure, due to the massive burst damage of "Treebranch Smackdown".

Being the tank that he is with a large pool of HP, bursting him down is probably unlikely, at least in a single turn. For this reason and considering the relatively low Stun Chance, heroes equipped with Stun chance increasing trinkets can prove to be a valuable asset to mitigate damage received.

Another good strategy is reducing his damage (via an Occultitst's "Weakening Curse" or Leper's "Intimidation") thereby potentially sparing your heroes dozens of damage points or his ACC (through "Solo" or "Intimidation") since TS has a fairly low chance of hitting (this however is in part countered by the Crone's "Curse of Vulnerability" another reason for which priotizing her should be on the top part of your list). Conversely, increasing your party's dodge chance can allow you to achieve the same end.

Be prepared for party shuffles and large amounts of damage. Furthermore, on Champion level dungeons be especially wary of the giant chaining various TS.
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