

478 байтов добавлено, 18:25, 15 февраля 2016
Стретегия боев в Заповеднике
== Стретегия боев в Заповеднике ==
Because the Swinefolk are all hybrid Human/Beast monstersТак как весь Свиной Народ является гибридом людей и чудовищных зверей, the наиболее полезными персонажами в Заповеднике будут [[Bounty Hunter|Наемник]] and и [[Hound Master|Дресссировщик]] are helpful here, as well as trinkets that deal extra damage to а из Украшений стоит выбрать те, которые усиливают урон по Людям (Human and ) и Животным (Beast foes).
=== Provisions Предметы для Заповедника === * [[Bandage|Повязка (Bandage)]] more useful due to prevalence of будет крайне полезна, так как [[Bleed|Кровотечение]] traps and attacksодин из самых частых компонентов ловушек и атак в Заповеднике.
* [[Medicinal Herbs|Medicinal herbs]] extremely useful with curio interactions.
* [[Food]] is easy to come by in warrens, allowing to buy less.
It's also worth noting that due to unique [[Dungeon Map|map]] layouts, scouting is more useful here than in other locations (3x4 quadrilaterals can be almost fully scouted on first room entrance).
Among the four regions, Warrens is on the easier side, as it doesn't have many especially dangerous enemies. Kill smaller threats, like [[Swine Wretch]] and [[Carrion Eater]] first, before they have a chance to give you a [[Disease]]. [[Swine Slasher]] and [[Swine Drummer|Drummer]] are next on the list. [[Swine Chopper]] is the most dangerous common enemy; he can target any rank, hard to kill and inflicts [[Bleed]], but has rather low [[Stun]] resistance. When dealing with the [[Swinetaur]], clearing all other enemies, which forces him to stay in the first rank, where he can't use his strongest abilities, might be a good idea.