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== Список возможных состояний психоза ==
Paranoid Паранойя
Selfish Эгоцентризм Paranoid [[Paranoid|Паранойя]]
Irrational Нелогичность Selfish [[Selfish|Эгоцентризм]]
Fearful Трусость Irrational [[Irrational|Нелогичность]]
Hopeless Безнадежность Fearful [[Fearful|Трусость]]
Hopeless [[Hopeless|Безнадежность]]  Abusive [[Abusive|Агрессия ]]  Masochistic [[Masochistic|Мазохизм]]  == [[Virtue|Душевный подъем (Virtue)]]
Masochistic Мазохизм
Virtue is a temporary condition of increased effectiveness that a Hero acquires after passing an Affliction Check. Virtuous Heroes have increased stats, can randomly heal themselves, reduce stress of the party or buff their teammates at the start of their turn. Becoming Virtuous reduces stress of the entire party by a small amount. Virtuous Heroes are immune to a heart attack (their stress will not increase over 100%). Virtue state will end upon returning to the Hamlet. While the exact chance of becoming virtuous is unknown, its speculated to be around 15-20%.
Анонимный участник