
Drowned Crew

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Промокшая/Подводная/Утонувшая команда (The Sodden Crew/Sunken Crew/Drowned Crew is the second [[bosses|boss]] of the ) - второй босс [[Cove|Бухты]].
Команда (The Crew are Group Entity  of three wraith pirates/smugglers trapped onboard a wreck rowboat/ship bounded in chains) состоит из 3 духов-пиратов, four if you count the прикованных к остаткам корабля или гребной лодки. Четвертый из них - [[Drowned Anchorman| Утонувший гребец (Drowned Anchorman)]]. Wraiths are type of undeadЭти призраки - измученные и мстительные души, прикованные к своим мертвым и разлагающмся телам, they are often described as tortured or vengeful souls trapped in their own dead and decaying bodies with deep hatred for the Light and all living thingsони с ненавистью относятся к Свету и всем живым существам.
==Ancestor's Memoirs: The Drowned Crew==
{{quote|<p>Prying eyes had become a nuisance along the old road, and so I undertook to receive my most curious deliveries by way of marine shipments. A sheltered jetty was accessible by a narrow stone stair off the back of the manor, and a discreet system of pulleys could hoist even the heaviest prizes up the rock face from a securely tied dinghy below.</p><p>I employed a crew of particularly unsavory mariners, who for a time sailed the four corners at my behest, retrieving many valuable artifacts, relics and rare texts. Predictably, they increased their tariffs to counter my intense stipulations of secrecy. Such resources had long been exhausted, of course, and so I prepared an alternative payment.</p><p>While the greedy dogs slept off their revelry, I hexed their anchor with every twisted incantation I could muster, imbuing it with the weight of my ambition and my contempt for their cruel extortion. At the witching hour, the anchor pulled with preternatural force, dragging craft and crew down into the depths. They must have cried out, but no sound escaped the swirling black waters.</p>}}
==HistoryИстория==Once the roads got too dangerous and busyС тех пор как дороги стали слишком опасными, the Ancestor would have his moreПредок стал перевозить свои... ''exoticэкзотические'' materials and artifacts shipped in by smugglersматериалы и артефакты с помощью морских контрабандистов. They traveled the globe for him in search of idolsОни рыскали дня него по всему миру в поисках идолов, ancient manuscripts and other items of more darker natureдревних рукописей и других предметов еще более темной природы. This particular crew was his favoriteКонкретно этот экипаж нравился ему больше прочих, until they began asking for too much money to keep quietдо тех пор, пока моряки не запросили слишком много денег за свое молчание. He decided to arrange Предок предпочел "alternativeальтернативный" paymentметод оплаты, in the form of a cursed anchor that dragged them and their ship to the bottom of the seaв виде проклятого якоря, but they didn't stay deadкоторый утянул моряков и их корабль на дно моря, но они не остались мертвыми.
The Drowned Crew will start the battle with Утонувшая команда начинает бой с "All Hands On Deck!", which does not take up any of their actions, move a hero to the front rank and summon a перемещая героя на первую позицию и призывая [[Drowned Anchorman]]. The Anchorman will immobilizes the first hero in line with its anchor, forcing them to experience the crew's horrible death. While the hero is tangled in the anchor is free to attack, his or her stress will increase rapidly over time, as they suffering through the same horrific experience. The undead crew will feed on their terror and despair to regenerate health every time someone takes a turn of any kind. The Drowned Crew will always start a round with "All Hands On Deck!" unless a hero is immobilized.
Any hero immobilized by the Drowned Anchorman can only be released either killing it or when the hero's stress reaches either 100 or 200. Additionally, when the Anchorman is summoned it will have a buff that will drastically increase its [[Protection Points]] and resistances. It will keep this buff until it immobilizes a hero, after which the Drowned Crew will receive the buff instead until the Anchorman is destroyed