Базовые характеристики
Решимость 1 2 3 4 5
МАКС. ОЗ 33 40 47 54 61
УКЛОНЕНИЕ 5 10 15 20 25
ЗАЩИТА 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
СКР 1 1 2 2 3
МТК МОД +0 +0 +0 +0 +0
КРИТ 5% 5.5% 6% 6.5% 7%
УРН 6-12 7-14 8-16 9-17 10-19
Poptext stun.png Stun 40% Poptext move.png Move 40%
Poptext poison.png Blight 30% Poptext bleed.png Bleed 30%
Poptext disease.png Disease 30% Poptext debuff.png Debuff 30%
Deathsdoor.png Death Blow 67% Tray trap disarm.png Trap 10%
Ходы 1 вперед, 1 назад.
Религиозность Yes
Припасы Holy Water

Крестоносец один из доступных игрокам классов в Darkest Dungeon.


Закаленный в боях стойкий Крестоносец побывал на передовой многих священных войн. С яростью праведника он предпочитает напролом врубаться во вражеские рядоы, или помогать союзникам в обороне, немного подлечивая их раны. Battle-hardened and stalwart, the Crusader has held the front lines in a hundred holy wars. He either attacks foes head-on with righteous fury, or embraces a melee support role by leveraging his powerful defensive buffs & off-heals.

~ Guild

The Crusader wears heavy plate mail and wields a longsword. While affording him excellent protection and damage, his armor restricts movement, and his sword cannot be swung effectively in the back ranks.

~ Blacksmith

Righteousness and conviction inspire compelling speeches around the campfire! In the face of mounting stress, the Crusader is a leader, standing tall and refusing to break. His unshakable belief can assuage companions' fear, reassuring them that despite the hardships they will most certainly endure, all will be well in the end.

~ Trainer


Grey dot.pngGrey dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.png
Red dot.pngRed dot.pngGrey dot.pngGrey dot.png
ACC base: 85

Self: +15% DMG vs Unholy

Уровни умения
Rank 2
Grey dot.pngGrey dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.png
Red dot.pngRed dot.pngGrey dot.pngGrey dot.png
ACC base: 90

Self: +20% DMG vs Unholy

Rank 3
Grey dot.pngGrey dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.png
Red dot.pngRed dot.pngGrey dot.pngGrey dot.png
ACC base: 95

CRIT mod: 1%
Self: +25% DMG vs Unholy

Rank 4
Grey dot.pngGrey dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.png
Red dot.pngRed dot.pngGrey dot.pngGrey dot.png
ACC base: 100

CRIT mod: 2%
Self: +30% DMG vs Unholy

Rank 5
Grey dot.pngGrey dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.png
Red dot.pngRed dot.pngGrey dot.pngGrey dot.png
ACC base: 105

CRIT mod: 2%
Self: +35% DMG vs Unholy

Zealous Accusation
Zealous Accusation.png
Grey dot.pngGrey dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.png
Double red dot.pngGrey dot.pngGrey dot.png
ACC base: 85

DMG mod: -40%

Уровни умения
Rank 2
Grey dot.pngGrey dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.png
Double red dot.pngGrey dot.pngGrey dot.png
ACC base: 90

DMG mod: -40%

Rank 3
Grey dot.pngGrey dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.png
Double red dot.pngGrey dot.pngGrey dot.png
ACC base: 95

DMG mod: -40%
CRIT mod: 1%

Rank 4
Grey dot.pngGrey dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.png
Double red dot.pngGrey dot.pngGrey dot.png
ACC base: 100

DMG mod: -40%
CRIT mod: 2%

Rank 5
Grey dot.pngGrey dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.png
Double red dot.pngGrey dot.pngGrey dot.png
ACC base: 105

DMG mod: -40%
CRIT mod: 2%

Stunning Blow
Stunning Blow.png
Grey dot.pngGrey dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.png
Red dot.pngRed dot.pngGrey dot.pngGrey dot.png
ACC base: 90

DMG mod: -75%
Target: Stun (100% base)

Уровни умения
Rank 2
Grey dot.pngGrey dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.png
Red dot.pngRed dot.pngGrey dot.pngGrey dot.png
ACC base: 95

DMG mod: -75%

Target: Stun (110% base)

Rank 3
Grey dot.pngGrey dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.png
Red dot.pngRed dot.pngGrey dot.pngGrey dot.png
ACC base: 100

DMG mod: -75%
CRIT mod: 1%
Target: Stun (120% base)

Rank 4
Grey dot.pngGrey dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.png
Red dot.pngRed dot.pngGrey dot.pngGrey dot.png
ACC base: 105

DMG mod: -75%
CRIT mod: 2%
Target: Stun (130% base)

Rank 5
Grey dot.pngGrey dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.png
Red dot.pngRed dot.pngGrey dot.pngGrey dot.png
ACC base: 110

DMG mod: -75%
CRIT mod: 2%
Target: Stun (140% base)

Bulwark of Faith
Bulward of Faith.png
Grey dot.pngGrey dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.png
Torch +6

Self: +25% PROT
Self: Mark Target

Уровни умения
Rank 2
Grey dot.pngGrey dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.png
Torch +6

Self: +28% PROT
Self: Mark Target

Rank 3
Grey dot.pngGrey dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.png
Torch +6

Self: +32% PROT
Self: Mark Target

Rank 4
Grey dot.pngGrey dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.png
Torch +6

Self: +36% PROT
Self: Mark Target

Rank 5
Grey dot.pngGrey dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.png
Torch +6

Self: +40% PROT
Self: Mark Target

Battle Heal
Battle Heal.png
Grey dot.pngGrey dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.png
Yellow dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.png
Target: heal 2-2
Уровни умения
Rank 2
Grey dot.pngGrey dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.png
Yellow dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.png
heal 2-3
Rank 3
Grey dot.pngGrey dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.png
Yellow dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.png
heal 3-4
Rank 4
Grey dot.pngGrey dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.png
Yellow dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.png
heal 4-4
Rank 5
Grey dot.pngGrey dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.png
Yellow dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.png
heal 5-6

Holy Lance
Holy Lance.png
Yellow dot.pngYellow dot.pngGrey dot.pngGrey dot.png
Grey dot.pngGrey dot.pngRed dot.pngRed dot.png
forward 1

ACC base: 85
CRIT mod: 5%
Self: +15% DMG vs Unholy

Уровни умения
Rank 2
Yellow dot.pngYellow dot.pngGrey dot.pngGrey dot.png
Grey dot.pngGrey dot.pngRed dot.pngRed dot.png
forward 1

ACC base: 90
CRIT mod: 6%
Self: +20% DMG vs Unholy

Rank 3
Yellow dot.pngYellow dot.pngGrey dot.pngGrey dot.png
Grey dot.pngGrey dot.pngRed dot.pngRed dot.png
forward 1

ACC base: 95
CRIT mod: 6%
Self: +25% DMG vs Unholy

Rank 4
Yellow dot.pngYellow dot.pngGrey dot.pngGrey dot.png
Grey dot.pngGrey dot.pngRed dot.pngRed dot.png
forward 1

ACC base: 100
CRIT mod: 6%
Self: +30% DMG vs Unholy

Rank 5
Yellow dot.pngYellow dot.pngGrey dot.pngGrey dot.png
Grey dot.pngGrey dot.pngRed dot.pngRed dot.png
forward 1

ACC base: 105
CRIT mod: 7%
Self: +35% DMG vs Unholy

Inspiring Cry
Inspiring Cry.png
Yellow dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.png
Yellow dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.png
Target: heal 1-1

Target: Stress Heal +6
Torch +5

Уровни умения
Rank 2
Yellow dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.png
Yellow dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.png
heal 1-1

Torch +6
Target: Stress Heal +7

Rank 3
Yellow dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.png
Yellow dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.png
heal 1-2

Torch +7
Target: Stress Heal +8

Rank 4
Yellow dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.png
Yellow dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.png
heal 1-2

Torch +8
Target: Stress Heal +9

Rank 5
Yellow dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.png
Yellow dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.pngYellow dot.png
heal 2-2

Torch +10
Target: Stress Heal +10

Camping Skills

Shared Skills
Ability encourage.png
Время 2
Цель One Companion

Reduce stress by 15

Wound Care
Ability wound care.png
Время 2
Цель One Companion

Heal 15%

Removes target bleeding
Removes target blight

Pep Talk
Ability pep talk.png
Время 2
Цель One Companion

+15% Stress Resist

Unique Skills
Unshakeable Leader
Ability unshakeable leader.png
Время 3
Цель All Companions

+25% Stress Resist

Stand Tall
Ability stand tall.png
Время 4
Цель Self

-15% Stress

Removes Death's Door debuff on target

Zealous Speech
Ability zealous speech.png
Время 5
Цель Self / All Companions

-15 stress on self

-15 stress on other party members
-15% Stress DMG on other party members

Zealous Vigil
Ability zealous vigil.png
Время 4
Цель Self

-25 stress on self

-15 stress on self if afflicted
Prevents a nighttime ambush


As for every hero, the Crusader has four different colour palettes to choose from: purple, red, white and blue.


Truth prevails!
~ Crusader on striking a critical hit
Forget not that our errand is holy and just! Light will prevail!
~ Crusader on using Zealous Speech
Nothing will break me!
~ Crusader on using Stand Tall
Of course I know what I'm doing! I'm a soldier!
~ Crusader on using Wound Care