
Тип Beast
Размер Small
Вариации Webber Overgrown
ОЗ 7 11 14
Уклонение 12.5% 22.5% 35%
Защита 0% 0% 0%
Скорость 3 4 5
Poptext stun.png Stun 25% 45% 70%
Poptext poison.png Blight 20% 40% 65%
Poptext bleed.png Bleed 20% 40% 65%
Poptext debuff.png Debuff 10% 30% 55%
Poptext move.png Move 25% 45% 70%

Oversized pests strengthened by the corruption, the Webbers are giant spiders that now prey on larger game, including humans. They can be encountered in any area where the malignant influence has reached, always appearing in pairs and with Spitters, usually a pair of them as well. While they have low health, low resistances and seemingly weak attacks, they are very fast and their abilities can inflict a number of status effects. Chief among these is their "Web" attack, which Marks and stuns a party member, causing them to take double damage from other attacks as well as decreasing blight resistance when these eight-legged fiends can inflict it with every bite, which can quickly add up. It is best to squish these enemies first.


Apprentice Level
Название умения Тип атаки С позиции Бьет на позицию Шанс попадания Шанс крита Урон Эффект Эффект на себя
Web Ranged 1, 2, 3, 4. 1, 2, 3, 4. 82.5% 6% 1 Poptext debuff.png100% Debuff: -15% Blight Resist, Poptext stun.png100% Stun,Poptext tagged.pngMark No effect
Bite Melee 1, 2, 3, 4. 1, 2, 3, 4. 72.5% 2% 1-3 Poptext poison.png100% Blight 1 Tagdamage.png +100% Damage vs Marked

Veteran Level
Название умения Тип атаки С позиции Бьет на позицию Шанс попадания Шанс крита Урон Эффект Эффект на себя
Web Ranged 1, 2, 3, 4. 1, 2, 3, 4. 90% 11% 2 Poptext debuff.png120% Debuff: -25% Blight Resist, Poptext stun.png120% Stun,Poptext tagged.pngMark No effect
Bite Melee 1, 2, 3, 4. 1, 2, 3, 4. 80% 6% 2-4 Poptext poison.png120% Blight 2 Tagdamage.png +100% Damage vs Marked

Champion Level
Название умения Тип атаки С позиции Бьет на позицию Шанс попадания Шанс крита Урон Эффект Эффект на себя
Web Ranged 1, 2, 3, 4. 1, 2, 3, 4. 102.5% 12% 2 Poptext debuff.png140% Debuff: -35% Blight Resist, Poptext stun.png140% Stun,Poptext tagged.pngMark No effect
Bite Melee 1, 2, 3, 4. 1, 2, 3, 4. 92.5% 7% 3-5 Poptext poison.png140% Blight 3 Tagdamage.png +100% Damage vs Marked